Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have moved to a much better name,

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fool Me Twice by Stephanie Black

Here are some discussion questions for Fool Me Twice by Stephanie Black:

1. "Evil twins" seem to invoke thoughts of bad soap operas, did Black's use of the "evil twin" work?
2. One of the keys to effective writing is having well-rounded characters. Does Black present well-rounded characterizations for all her characters? If not, what characters were lacking needed characterization? If yes, how did full characters help the tension and action in the plot?
3. One of the more interesting aspects of the book, was Aunt Evelyn's documentation of her plan from the beginning, does this character attribute/flaw work for you? Why? Is this a well-planned deus ex machina for easy wrap-up or was Evelyn's idiosyncracy believably portrayed?
4. One of the themes explored in Fool Me Twice is self-awareness, how does Black pursue this theme? Megan's self-awareness grows at the same time as her awareness of those around her increases. Is this the case with life, do we know ourselves as we come to truly come to know others? Does Megan's inability to see Kristen for who she really is indicate Kristen's ability to manipulate, or Megan's inability to be true to who she really is? What events specifically allowed Megan to see Kristen as she really is? Was Megan's growth and transition to strength realistic? Why(not)?
5. Trevor has been labled by one reviewer as a "Dudley Do Right" do you agree?
6. The climax of Fool Me Twice has Megan facing off against Kristen alone, do you think this was necessary for Megan's character development? Did you find Black's device of the reluctant neighbor an effective strategy for having Megan and Kristen face each other alone?
7. Kristen moves pretty quickly from kidnapper to murder when she kills Gail Ludlum, was this extra step believable? What does Kristen's rapid transformation show us about the fragility of our own law-abiding existence? Is it true that each step down a path becomes easier? What do Kristen's actions teach us about the power of the desire to not be caught? From a religious standpoint, how can Kristen's attempts to cover-up her acts, and its results, show us the importance of confession?
8. Both Pamela and Kristen are shown as self-centered individuals, what is the difference between being self-centered and being self-aware? How can we come to know ourselves without being focused on ourselves? Is Black making a statement on the power of service and outward focus that Megan only realizes her strength and who she and others are when she is completely focused on others' needs? If this is the case, why didn't Megan's constant willingness to help Pamela result in a similar self-awareness?
9. What is the difference between service and slavery?


Monday, May 5, 2008

The Giver by Lois Lowry

This Newberry Award winner allows adults to explore some pretty serious themes after enjoying a quick and easy read. So, without further ado, here are discussion questions for The Giver by Lois Lowry.

1. Why is collective memory so important? What would be the results if society had no memory of its past? Is this happening or has it happened in the past?
2. Why was the destruction of true emotions essential to the creation of the Utopian society found in The Giver?
3. Why was exactness of language so important to the the society in the book? Does the exactness of language denote the lack of depth of feelings as it is implied in the book? Why is ambiguity in language so important to our abilities to share feelings and describe the world around us?
4. The book is written from a limited third person perspective. How does this perspective help you as a reader? Did you enjoy the perspective or would you have preferred a more omniscient narrator to better understand the society as a whole?
5. We see in the book that, among other things, music and color were taken away, how is the elimination of these two things beneficial to a society such as the one found in the book? Is the elimination of color the same thing as being color-blind.
6. The book highlights the dangers of completely unified society. Do you think unity is important? How can we be unified without destroying the variety that can make life interesting and beautiful?
7. Is language inherently ambiguous because of the feelings that language was created to describe?
8. How did Ms. Lowry use ambiguity, or the lack thereof, to show the development of Jonas as a character?
9. What do you think of when you listen to Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin?
10. If you had to choose between living in a world without color or without music what would you choose?
11. Why is it important to learn about civilizations and cultures other than ours? In The Giver they didn't know about their past, but they also didn't really know about any other communities, and from the ending it appears that there are communities that didn't succumb to the sameness. Why would it be important for us to learn about, for example, China's history from the Chinese perspective and not simply as a small portion of Western History? Learning about different perspectives in history and politics may create more confusion or ambiguity of feelings of your perspective, is this beneficial or detrimental? Can this question get any longer? I must get back to work.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Oliver Twist

A little while ago, I read Oliver Twist, while it is not my favorite of Dickens' works, it brings up a certain number of questions regarding society and the literary devices Dickens uses to advance his social causes. Here are some questions to inspire discussion:

1. Why is Oliver Twist the flattest character in the book? Or if you don't think he is, defend your position.
2. Why do you think Dickens made the gang of thieves the most varied and deep characters in the novel? Do you think he was trying to make a statement by the varying reasons for crime found among the thieves?
3. Why doesn't Nancy accept the help and sanctuary that is offered? Did she really love Bill or are her actions more of a self-imposed punishment often given by those who believe they are not good enough for redemption?
4. Did Bill really love Nancy? Defend your answer.
5. Dickens clearly is making political and social statements, how do you think this story compares to other sociopolitical novels? Is it more effective or less effective, and why?
6. Why does Oliver have to be the inheritor of great sums of money, wouldn't Dickens' point about a person's virtue being based on who they are, not how they come into the world be more effective if Oliver really had been born of the scum of the earth?
7. Who is your favorite character? Why?
8. What is your opinion of Fagin? Does he care about his urchins and thieves, or is he a completely self-interested person?
9. Does Oliver's complete goodness annoy the snot out of you?


Welcome to AP English Forever. I work as a litigator in a small law firm. However, I have found that reading about conflict and conflict resolution is much more enjoyable than actually dealing with conflict on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, the law is a great profession, but there is a reason that lawyers have an incredibly high rate of depression, substance abuse, and suicide. Don't you all want to apply for law school immediately?

I love to read, but more than reading, I love to discuss, or rather, I love to lead discussions. This blog will be dedicated to me asking questions about books I read. If you want to discuss, feel free. My book choices will be from a wide range. I think there is room for discussion regarding just about any book.

So, come visit, answer my questions, or steal my questions for your book group. I don't care. I'm just doing this for my sanity. I hope you come back. Questions are forthcoming, so be prepared.